Hi, I am


A full stack developer

  • Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
  • C:\walison\portfolio>C:\>
    About me

    Hello, my name is Walison Ribeiro, a self-taught full stack developer passionate about technology, especially in the field of programming. I graduated as a Systems Development Technician and I am currently in the sixth semester of Computer Science 👨‍💻.

    Since 2018, I have been studying and creating web, software, mobile, and hardware projects with Arduino. What I value the most in my code is organization and testing. I love the developer community and how everyone can contribute to the development of our applications. So let's contribute reciprocally, connect with me on GitHub :D

    Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand

    Martin Fowler

    Find your Duo

    Find your Duo, uma plataforma que ajuda gamers a encontrar um parceiro ou parceira para jogar online seu game favorito, conectado a Twitch.

    My Portfolio

    Esse é o site em que você está navegando, meu site pessoal :)


    Revision, uma plataforma que te ajuda a revisar suas matérias de acordo com a teoria da curva de esquecimento de Ebbinghaus.